Challenge number 2 in my year long healthy habit challenge is to wake up at 5.30am every morning, including weekends! I decided to add this to the mix because I hear so often that it is good for me and below are the reasons I thought mattered to me most. Benefits to waking up early Time to plan for the day - if I don't plan I just don't end up getting things done. Self development - successful people wake up earlier. Early bird gets the worm. Exercise - its hard to go to the gym after a long day of work. Waking up early gives me time to do this. Morning routine - I like to take my time getting ready in the morning, have breakfast, clean my house etc Quiet time - waking up before the sun rises give you a psychological advantage over everyone else. How did it go? Youtube-benefits to waking up early The first 10 days went well, I managed to wake up early without a struggle. It did allow me to get myself ready nice and slow before work, my house is clean ...