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Revamp Monday

So, I was feeling very guilty this morning when I woke up, still full as I had eaten so much on the weekend and was really lazy (only exercise I did was a 2 hour bike ride on sat). I really had that Monday feeling and I never have the Monday feeling! I struggled all day feeling lethargic and bummed out - could hardly open my eyes in the morning, even though I had had a good 8 hours sleep.

That Monday feeling
So I made sure I kept my diet clean - lots of fruit and plenty of water! As soon as I got home, I headed to the gym. I didn't have a lot of time there and knew there was a possibility I could go back again later in the evening so I started off trying to run. Shin splints are still really sore but I managed a 1500m in 7.43 mins, beating my last time. Its all I could manage with my shins today but I plan on doing a 5 k tomorrow in the fields (softer ground).
I then did; 
  • Lots of stretching
  • Barbell incline bench press 3 x 10 (20kg)
  • Bicep curl 3 x 10 (10kg db)
  • Upright shoulder press (8kg each hand)
I then went home as I had stuff to do. I was lucky enough to go back again in the evening. I had my dinner which unfortunately was carb loaded- rice with chicken strips and veg. I went to the gym straight after doing the blog on Jen Jewell - instant motivation!
Look at those quads!
Unfortunately the gym was packed at 7.30pm so I had to use whatever was free which turned out to be a completely random workout (not training specific muscles) I thought this would be OK as I am not aching due to my lazy weekend and I need a good kick start.
  • 500m row on level 10
  • Back machine 3 x 10 (45kg)
  • leg press 1 x 10 (60kg) 2 x 10 (70kg) soon will just be doing 70 :)
  • Leg curl 3 x 10 (35kg)
  • Leg extension 3 x 10 (35kg)
  • Bicep curl 3 x 8 (8kg db)
  • Bent over row 3 x 10 (20kg bb)
  • Shoulder press Machine 3 x 10 (15kg)
  • Push ups 10
  • 60 Calf raises (inbetween rests for skull crushers)
  • Skull crushers 3 x 10 (10kg db) will up to 12 next time
  • Shrugs 3 x 10 (10kg db each hand)
  • Oblique bends 3 x 8 (14kg each hand)
  • One leg squats 3 x 6 (10 kg Db each hand)
  • Sit ups 3 x 15 (8kg Kb)
  • Leg raises 3 x 10 (Between sets on sit ups)
  • Practiced hand stands 10
  • Stretches
I spent exactly 1 hour in the gym and left feeling good. I am hoping to do Chest and Tri's tomorrow which is why I avoiding doing anything related today (apart from skull crushers). I am also parking in the furtherest spot away from gym. I know its a stupid thing to mention but when I think about it I normally drive to the closest spot which actually makes no sense when I go there to workout. 

I found the handstands fun (even though I suck at them!) but had to stop after 10 because I started getting an audience and it put me off!

I am looking forward to feeling my body ache in the morning - reminds me to keep working hard :) 


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